BRC Accreditation 

FA Supplies is certified to the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials, which is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative benchmarking committee. 
This accreditation allows us to supply labelling solutions to the food packaging sector and gives confidence to our clients that product safety and quality is at the heart of our business. 
The BRC standard is divided into eight manufacturing technologies, two of which are relevant to our business. They are: 
Papermaking and conversion 
Flexible plastics manufacture 
To achieve BRC accreditation, FA Supplies has demonstrated senior management commitment to packaging quality management and has established a comprehensive hazard and risk management system. 
We have product and process controls in place at the design and development stage which includes quality assurance, testing, and inspection. Our labels adhere to the required hygiene practices which build upon the principles of ISO 9000. 
Additionally, our factory meets cleanliness, pest control, and waste management standards, as set out in the BRC guidance. All our personnel are fully trained to meet the stringent criteria of the BRC standard. 

FSC® Certification 

FA supplies are now a member of FSC® certified group scheme (FSC®-C004309). 
FSC® is a global forest certification system established for forests and forest products; from the perspective of the WWF this voluntary mechanism can be regarded as one of the more interesting initiatives of the last decade to promote better forest management. 
Find out more 
To find out more about how we can meet your company’s needs, or to request a fast quotation, please get in touch with us today.